Tuesday, July 24, 2018

REAL fun

I took a half-day off from work today because I had a doctor's appointment, and I needed to visit the DMV...or as it so sassily refers to itself these days, the OMV.   It should really be called the OMG-I'm-going-to-kill-myself-the-next-time-I-have-to-visit-this-dreadful-place.  But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. 

The only reason I made the silly doctor's appointment in the first place was because I needed to get a prescription filled.  However, on the flip side, I figured it's a good idea to get a yearly check-up, and I always liked getting the emailed results from my previous doctor.  (i.e.  "Wow, I nailed my cholesterol test!" "Blood pressure is looking good again, chica - keep at that running!")  My previous doctor also used this online portal system thing from the future, so I could compare my weight, height, blood sugar, blood pressure, blood-y mary intake, etc. from 2011 to 2017.  It's reaffirming when you have a tough day to realize that you're bettering yourself every year physically, since my mind just goes to pot.

ALL THAT TO SAY....when I found this lady within my network and saw that she had raving yelp reviews, I figured I'd leave with a smile on my face, a prescription in my hand, and maybe even a pep in my step.  Are you sensing that didn't happen?  Smart cookie.

What I left with was a sore arm from an apparently past-due tetanus shot (based on the fact that she said you should have one every 10 years and making me feel like I should definitely get one today), a $30 co-pay from my ever-empty wallet, and NO FREAKING PRESCRIPTION.

"Just call us when you're ready to schedule that appointment, and we'll get you taken care of."

Umm...I did that...LAST TUESDAY. 

Sorry, dear reader, for all the yelling, but I explicitly said that I needed to make an appointment to get my prescription filled when I called and set this appointment.  But of course, being the non-confrontational Courtney that I am and always will be, I left disgruntled and tetanus-ified and vowed I would not be back. Ev-er.

As if that wan't enough fun, I journeyed to the ever-spirit-lifting OMV of New Orleans.  "You down with OMV, yeah you know me...."  sing on, my peeps.

I, again, begrudgingly made this visit versus taking care of business online because my license expires in 4 days (happy birthday to me!), I need to update my address (apparently you're supposed to do this within 10 days of moving to a new place (we're going on 346 days...not exaggerating)), and most importantly, because the fine state of Louisiana is moving to REAL ID's (I'm not yelling this time...this is what the website calls them) by 2020 where you have to have this special REAL ID gold star on your license in order to board a plane.

Naturally, seeing that I'm going to be jet-setting like a fool in 2020, I figured I'd go ahead and do myself a favor and not put it off like everyone else will until December 2019.  Apparently, 2020 is the year of travel for myself and others.

When I arrived, they gave me a printed number that said I had checked in at 2:15pm.

I was finally called at 4:11pm.

I was walking to my car with the REAL ID at 4:17pm.

It's too heartbreaking glamorous to describe in detail how it was sitting in the largest DMV OMV this side of the Mississippi with 58 million other miserable people and a loud speaker constantly going off with phrases like "NOW SERVING B119 AT WINDOW NUMBER 8.  NOW SERVING J024 AT WINDOW NUMBER 2.  NOW SERVING B119 AT WINDOW NUMBER 8. NOW SERVING B119 AT WINDOW NUMBER 8."

Not exaggerating (this time), some of those window clerks were trigger happy and called for their number no less than 4 times. 

Also, it should be noted that there were 25 windows, and a whopping 8 were open. 
Welcome to Wal-Mart.

To sum things up, I'll say that I'm glad I got a tetanus shot before my trip to the OMV.

*REAL ID members represent! peace out!*

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sexy Laundry Talk

We share a washer and dryer with our upstairs neighbor and our side neighbor.  That second part only makes sense if you know how people sublet houses in New Orleans, but just trust me on this one.  In an effort to be a courteous, don't-hog-the-machines neighbor, we set a timer whenever we put in a load of laundry, first the washer then the dryer. Naturally.  I guess you could chose to do it the other way around if you'd like, but you're also probably one of those barbarians who pours the milk in the bowl and THEN adds the cereal.  I don't understand you or your heathen ways.

Anyway, we've painstakingly and scientifically narrowed down the fact that a load in each device takes approxmately 58 minutes.  I know you're thinking, "C'mon, you could just say 1 hour."  BUT as mentioned above - I strive with everything in me to be neighbor of the year.  Or really just to not piss someone off who I am guaranteed to encounter weekly, and I already do that awkward "hey" "hey!" "how are you?" "good! how are you?" (dear lord, it's NEVER taken my key this long to unlock the door...hurry....hurry you retarded piece of metal!)

Also sometimes you hate doing laundry on a weeknight or any night, so those extra 4 minutes really help you keep your wits about you when the laundry's keeping you from shuteye or just being a lazy blob on the couch.

Alllllllll that preface-ness to say, Nathan tossed some pants in the machine this afternoon and then proceeded to set the timer for 30 minutes.

Annnnnnnd action:

*Alarm goes off for laundry.*

C:  Wait, it's only been thirty minutes.  It's not done.

N:  I know, but I did a little load, so I put it on a shorter setting.
      I selected 'lightly soiled.'

C:  HAHAHA! So you're saying you only sharted in your pants instead of having full-blown diarrhea?

N:  (laughs, shakes head, rolls eyes, thinks "How did I marry this 14 year old boy?", leaves to go check and see if the pants are ready to be moved to the dryer)
N:  (walks back in 20 seconds later)

C:  What was the verdict?

N:  I realized I had to pee.  I haven't checked them yet.


Two peas in a pod.