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"On the twelfth day of Shutdown, the gub'ment gave to me....a day off in my pj's."
To back up a bit...the gub'ment shut down at midnight on Friday, December 21st when it came time to pass a new budget and Trump and the Reps demanded funding for "The Wall," and the Dems were like "no, ho, ho, way" (because Christmas was right around the corner and they wanted a few extra syllables for emphasis...naturally).
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I guess it's not really a big deal at this point because history has shown that when Congress and the POTUS finally do decide to get things up and working again, backpay is awarded to those who had to work without pay and those to got to vacay on the government's dime. However, we're due for our first paycheck next week since all this started, and it will not be coming hell or high water if we're still playing this little game that "The Greatest Negotiator" started.
It's worth nothing that we were all given Monday and Tuesday off to overeat, over-drink, and I guess open a few presents here and there. 😉
Unfortunately, but spun ever so positively, I was informed by my supervisor on Friday, 12/21 that because I'm "one of the fastest workers," I would be reporting on Dec. 26th (Wednesday).
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I was also informed that should The Shutdown roll into a second week, we would be put on a rotation with those who had the 26-28th off, so that everyone could be given a chance to "make a paycheck" should the usual backpay provision not be included in this budget.
HOWEVER....things didn't really happen like that. After working the 26th, the 27th, the 28th, and the 31st, I was finally told that I would be furloughed on 1/2, but would need to report for dooty duty on 1/3 and 1/4.
TLDR: I'm complaining about just one day off with the five prior paragraphs and line of song. Ain't the holidays grand?!? 😜
We had a grandiose good time in Shreveport for the Good Ole' Grubby Christmas, as well as Baton Rouge for the Raunchy Roberts' Reunion, but boy howdy did Nate and I fail epically with riding the healthy eating train into the station. It feels kind of weird to talk about this "publicly" since weight and weight loss and weight gain are a sensitive subject, but it's been on my mind a lot these past few days seeing how the 1st is a good time for a clean slate, as well as Resolution Galore time!
I'm not completely disappointed with myself seeing as how from January 1, 2018, to January 1, 2019, I've lost nearly 20 pounds (when you don't count the 4-5 pounds of water weight and such that falls off in the first week), but I did have much bigger goals and expectations for myself. We all know this ain't my first rodeo. I'm telling myself this is all the more gunpowder to fire off and away here early on and meet or beat my goals my mid 2019, but things get tough by about 3pm when you're like "@#$@ this $^#@! I'm about to go to Costco and buy a bin of clusters and start in a week or so!"
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Buuuuuuuuuuut, so far so good over here. I've survived the 1st, and I'm more than halfway through the 2nd, and though it can be a rollercoaster of willpower and succumb-tion in these first 2-3 weeks (and lawd knows it's never really easy), I'm trying to focus on unlimited vegan cheesecake at the end my end goal and how I know I'll feel when I get there.
*fingers crossed there is sooner rather than later.*
**that's all for now. I had bigger plans of writing more and more and more, but I'm feeling lazy from sucky sleep and lack of calories and lack of sugar and lack of... clusters.