(For those who were not so lucky to have parents that raised them in the heart of 90's country music...I apologize if you clicked the link...and I apologize even more if you got the reference without even clicking. kindred spirits.)
So it's Memorial Day weekend, which means three things: cook-outs, lake days, and no work on Monday! <--the best part seeing that Natedawg and I don't own a grill or a boat. Oh and it's also been storming like a mother since this morning and tu Madre Nature plans to carry on with more of the same through tomorrow (Monday).
Nathan and I decided earlier this week to head to Dallas on Saturday to get out of town like the wild and crazy kids we are. Nathan's car's been having some spotty A/C issues, so when I posed him with the question of "my car or your car?", he mentioned the A/C, but it honestly hasn't been too bad because it comes and goes, and I figured it wouldn't be that bad. Do you sense the haunting foreshadow-y nature in my voice yet? I didn't want to risk taking my car because it's a '98, and while she does well around town, she's had a past of pooping out when you get about an hour and a half away on road trips. And then those road trips turn into road trips from hell. So I voiced my vote for Nathan's car.
Off we went, headed west and would you know that that damn A/C didn't come on AT ALL. Three amazing hours of just warm air blowing, sweaty backs, hot greasy faces, frizzy, poofy hair, etc. We couldn't roll the windows down until we got off the interstate because road trips are for talking and laughing and goofing around. And you can't hear any of that if the wind is 70 miles per hour in your ear. Young love at its finest.
All that to say...we finally made it and I apologize to the poor souls who witnessed us busting into Chipotle looking like we'd just come off a hot morning on our boat, but probably wreaked of body odor and fun and didn't have swimsuits or a boat anywhere in sight. I'm sure we were a pretty picture. Actually, I know we were because I busted up in that bathroom upon arrival, whipped out my hairbrush, and eventually had to shrug and say "Well, the odds of running into someone I know are pretty slim..."
All in all, we still had a great time, and after we starting hitting up our main spots (i.e. Half Price Books, Fry's, and Trader Joe's), the A/C decided to be a trooper and be spotty here and there. Then on the way back home, it worked for the first 30 minutes of the trip! (Insert many hallelujahs) So much so that I had to put on my cardigan at one point.
And then it shut off. And it remained off the remaining two and a half hours of the drive home. I proceeded to chastise myself for the next two and half hours for ever being a namby pamby and putting on my cardigan in the first place.
Happy Memorial Day weekend it was! (and I still have tomorrow to make lofty plans to mark things off my to-do list, but will probably just read blogs, and my new book, and think about all the red, white, and blue cupcakes I didn't purchase at Sam's today.)
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