Seeing how it's 10 months to the day since my last post, I hardy har har thought it was time for a little update for those of you who don't read this. (my mom included)
Naturally, I read back over my previous posts to see
For one, I don't work at that oh-so-glamourous bankruptcy law firm in Shreveport anymore. It works for me! Wait. that doesn't work there. No, in a funny (but not really) twist of events, I ended up getting that job that I had applied for when I talked about leaving my license on the scanner. So in August, we hightailed our little tooshies to The Big Easy and have been living it up ever since. Ay bay bay. And by living it up, I mean drinking hurricanes non-stop and shaking what my momma gave me on Bourbon Street to make rent. OR...working at The Doge and supporting my brainiac husband and brainless cat.
Also, I finished reading Attachments and have read quite a few things since. Based on another recommendation from Grace (because apparently I need her to hold my hand through the literary world), I read What Alice Forgot and then immediately entered a bingeworthy phase of all things Liane Moriarty. (Side note: I pronounce her name like "Lee-Ann" when I'm vomiting at the mouth to Nathan about my current obsession of hers, but I have no idea if this is correct. I know a quick YouTube search would end this intense mystery....but I kind of don't what to know if it's something besides what I've been saying for the past 5 months. Ignorance is pure, Liane bliss.) So if the NOLA public library has any connections to Mizz Moriarty, they're probably happily reporting to her that client #D0742983** is plowing through all her works.
Lastly, and most importantly, it should be noted and documented and scratched on a tablet that Nate and I tried the Impossible Burger in Dallas before the big southern trek to these parts, and it was impossibly tasty! 73 out of 73 stars.
Okay, see you again in 10 months.
**Library card number has been altered because I can only remember that it starts with a D0 and then has a string of numbers. Or has it? dun dun dun.
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