This was a really good weekend. Really good. Like why do I go to work 8-5 every day of the week? Why don't I weekend all the time? Oh, because we need the money from said 8-5 in order to
It should be noted that my weekend was nicely bookend-ed by a little thing I like to call Memorial Day on Monday, as well as a little thing I like to call annual leave on Friday. Annual leave is synonymous with
I'm drawing a blank. It's like when someone asks you what you had for dinner last night and you're like..."I know I ate..." I'm pretty sure Friday encompassed a few episodes of What Not to Wear because the only season available on Amazon Prime is what consumes my life these days. I know I didn't really sleep in (maybe 20 minutes past my normal wake-up time) because my body and mind and CAT are crazy like that, but the good thing about lackadaisical days is that you're like "Whatevs...I'll catch a nap whenever I want, betches!" Speaking of which, this is an actual picture of the calendar on our fridge
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Clearly, Sunday was not spent putting a slash through Saturday on the calendar. |
I'm pretty sure Friday was also filled with me fielding a lot of NOLA Alerts trying to work me up regarding sudden flash flood watches and warnings and thunderstorms and flooding from our good friend Tropical Storm Alberto, but it thundered and lightning-ed and rained for about 1 hour and that was that. Dodged another home-wrecking
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I won't reveal which area we're in, for privacy's sake, but let's just say it starts with a mid and ends with a city. Comforting, right? Source |
Nate and I ran that morning, and we came back looking like we'd been swimming in a fish bowl, so we cleaned ourselves up, proceeded to watch another episode of WNTW, and went about our normal Saturday duties (aka grocery list making, grocery shopping, grocery list eating, etc.), but with a nice "I still have two more days off, betches!" attitude. Are you noticing a theme for this weekend?
Bright and early off to church (this is the one we're currently experimenting with.) Y'all, we have been to like 5 or 6 churches so far - some warranting a second or third visit - since we moved here, and things can get a little cray in The Big Easy. We'll go into that another time. Or maybe me won't. Anyway, we went to the early service and were out by 10:22, which was sa-weeeeet. So we came home and ate lunch and napped and read. I'm currently re-reading this because it was a fun read when I took Library Science at ole Luscious, but I had to get through 45 books in 10 weeks, so I wanted to revisit this Newberry Award Winner (<--- that's my library science-ness coming through). Also, Nathan is reading it with me because he remembered it from his childhood, and we've never read through the same book at the same time together. Except for the Bible, of course. Of course. And a Dave Barry book we took turns reading out loud, so I guess I should take back everything I just said.
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The librarian was just a tad confused when he checked out two copies of the same book...hah! Source |
A little backstory for my next point - the BEST point - of Sunday. Blue Bell released two ice cream flavors around the time we moved here in August/September called Bride's Cake and Groom's Cake. Apparently everyone in the Greater New Orleans area went batshitcrazy over Bride's Cake and you couldn't find it anywhere, and when stores would get it, people would by beaucoups of gallons and it was MADNESS! We got around to trying it at one point, and we're like "Yeah, that's alright." But the Groom's Cake - HOLY MOLY!
This is the description: Chocolate ice cream with chocolate cake pieces, chocolate-coated strawberry hearts, swirls of strawberry sauce, and chocolate icing.
Basically my dream come true. Double whammy: Nate loves it, too!
So we had quite a few
We flippantly checked on Sunday, and lo and behold, there was our creamy, strawberry, chocolately goodness! The grocery store came very close to having to clean up some adult poo on the ice cream aisle.
So Sunday night was spent in pure, utter bliss. We also whipped up some other yummy treats in honor of our fallen heroes, and then we played a lot of Roller Coaster Tycoon and laughed a lot. Oh and we watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom because we have a movie list going that we're trying to chisel away at. We also watched Breach on Friday or Saturday.
And now to today...Monday, Memorial Day 2018:
No grills or frills, but a whole kitandkaboodle of fun nonetheless. We went down to the French Quarter and walked around and took some ridiculous pictures. We figured it was time to sight-see a bit, since we've only been living here...oh you know, NINE months! That's not a baby hint, btw. Unless it's a Groom's Cake baby, and then it's definitely a baby hint.
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The aforementioned ridiculousness |